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Please Join Us

League of Women Voters of Adams County -- Membership Application

Dues are $60 per year and include the cost of our local League's pledge to the National and State Leagues, as well as support for Adams County activities. Your dues also cover the cost of all publications you will receive in connection with the studies conducted during the the year, as well as the monthly newsletter, the statewide "Colorado Voter" (published quarterly) and the four yearly issues of the national publication, "The Voter." 


Friend (basic dues) $60 
Sustaining $75 
Advocate $100



City, State, Zip:________________________________________________
Home Telephone:___________________________________________________ 
Work Telephone:____________________________________________________ 
Email: ____________________________________________________________

______ I am a New Member.

I wish to be a _____________ Level member.

A check for $________ is included.

______ I am Renewing my Membership. 

______ I will need a ride to the meetings 

______ I want to get involved. You may call me for projects. 
I am especially interested in: 


For more information, call Pat at 303-452-3030 
Please print this page by clicking on the "print page" below, fill out the application and mail your application and check payable to:

JoAnn Vondracek
2489 W 122nd Ave
Westminster, CO 80234

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